Saturday, June 6, 2020

Goblins & Gargoyles

I've still been working on a dungeon crawl that hits all the right notes for me.  I've made a bunch of floor tiles for rooms and passages.  Also a set of doors.  These pieces are my own design.  I sculpted the originals and then cast copies in resin.

As for rules, I have my own rules for generating the dungeon, and encountering monsters.  Also my own rules for treasure.  But for combat and activation I have been using  modified version of Song of Blades and Heroes.  I am trying to capture a vibe that blends old school D&D with Advanced Heroquest.

Yesterday I got a shipment of miniatures from Mirliton in Italy.  These are the old Grenadier goblins, orcs, and trolls from circa 1990.  I can't wait to get these painted and on the game table!

1 comment:

  1. Nice work, Glenn. Look forward to the old tyme figures, too!
